Danish Seed Processing

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Damas Seed Processing

Damas Seed Processing A/S

Seed cleaning increases your seed quality by removing unwanted materials that also attract certain insects or fungus. Cleaned seed also lower storage costs because of you only storage useful seeds and not straws, soil and other materials.

The quality of your seed is improved and so is the yield of the seeds by having clean healthy seed without unwanted materials and also seed or grain without mycotoxins. 

Overall; the value of clean seed and grain is increased as seed cleaning is improving your yield

Seed grading means processing yours seed for further value adding like seeds for sowing or seeds for human consumption. The standards for seed quality and germination are regulated by both local and international standards. The Danish standards are the highest possible standards in the EU.

Both our seed grading machines and our seed projects are designed, manufactured and engineered to meet world class standard. 

Dama Seed processing; Seed grading machines
Omega Pre- & Fine-cleaner ​ ( Dama seed processing + seed grading machines)

cleaning and grading machines

Damas Seed Processing A/S is leading supplier of cleaning machines for pre-cleaning, fine cleaning and cleaning of all kinds of crops.

Our range of cleaning and grading machines is based on +150 years of experience, dedication and a deep knowledge of the challenges facing producers and farmers who need precise, reliable and user-friendly production equipment for seed purity and uniformity in size and shape.

In the DAMAS range, you will find machines that fit all applications – from pre-cleaning and fine cleaning to sorting by gravity.

Our aim is to ensure that you get the correct machine for your needs. We offer a wide range of standard products that will fit right into your production line, but we are also able to customize the machines using modular standard components to make them perfectly adapted to your specific needs. With decades of experience in designing equipment for any grain or seed application, you can rely on our expertise to get you the solution best suited for you. 

Damas seed

Damas Seed Processing A/S
is exclusive distributor of